Thursday, June 16, 2011

For a special Cause...
I was so honored to be a celebrity guest at the Carnival Fundraiser event for a very special young girl named Lizzy Lawton. At just 10 years old and Lizzy was diagnosed with stage 4 Ewing Sarcoma. It has spread throughout her entire body. Over a year ago, Lizzy started complaining of hip pains. She was brought to Children's  Hospital and then followed up with her pediatrician. At that time, her pediatrician insisted it was calcium buildup and growing pains. In April of 2011, Lizzy started to run a daily fever which brought her in for more testing. Which eventually lead to her diagnosis. This teaches me to be cautious of others and my own body's concerns that I now have learned not to ignore. I can only imagine when I was 10 years old, and for what this young girl is going through is just devastating to myself and all of her family, friends and supporters around Colorado. She is truly one of the strongest girls I know! A dear friend to Lizzy; Esra O'Callaghan was so gracious enough to throw a Carnival Fundraiser in her honor to help in any way shape or form to provide support and hope for sweet Lizzy. As advertised on radio stations and churches everywhere in Colorado, we have raised awareness for her in hopes that she will soon be healed. Although as much fun the carnival was, Lizzy was not able to attend because of her treatments and I plan to visit her as soon as possible at the hospital.  Myself, Esra the Miss Teen Colorado-World Organization and all of her loved ones thank everyone for coming out to support our cause, it is without a doubt a life long contribution for Lizzy and her family and they are so truly grateful.  We Love You Lizzy!!

For further information and to contribute, please visit her care sight online at

Your encouragement and ongoing support is greatly appreciated!

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