Thursday, June 16, 2011

NATIONALS, Here I come!

As the time flies by preparing for Nationals, I am officially 2 weeks out preparing to compete for the title of Miss Teen United States-World 2011. It's officially Pageant crunch time! I will be leaving Sunday, June 26th and Monday morning is when a packed week full of craziness begins! I cant believe that in a blink of an eye, I will be down in Houston with my sister Queens; Miss Jr. Teen Colorado-World Ashley Berry and Jessica Hartman Miss Colorado Intercontinental. I am truly grateful and SO SO excited for this amazing opportunity. Look out Houston, here we come!

Like always, thank you to all my loyal followers for their loving support! Your encouragement is what motivates me to be my best, i am so blessed. For everything about the show details- you will find all the information needed on the Miss Teen United States-World Website where you can see all the contestants, event information and so much more....

Victoria Korthuis
Miss Teen Colorado-World 2011

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